Hello everyone! My name is Mayra Rosario and I will be your instructor during this semester. I have been a teacher for more than 30 years and I love to be in contact with young people because it refreshes my mind and spirit,that is why I am here for you. Do not hesitate if you need my help,I will be here for you! As for this class, it is convenient that you read what follows:

This is the first course of the English language curriculum offered at PUCMM and the third of the sequence of 6.

In ILE 205, the oral and written comprehension and the oral and written production competencies are integrated and include the ability to make inferences and draw conclusions, summarize and paraphrase, defend opinions on different topics such as current and past events, customs, and traditions, among others. Participants will be able to communicate at a high intermediate level in order to perform routine tasks about familiar topics and social situations. The content of the course will be presented from a critical thinking perspective.

This course, ILE-205-T English II, provides the student with strategies, practices, and activities for developing their reading skills and enhance their vocabulary by analyzing and interacting with English texts of various genres, also participants will continue to develop, in an integrated way, oral comprehension (Listening), and written production (Speaking and Writing) competencies at the High-Intermediate level. The specific competencies of this course emphasize the Reading comprehension skills of texts, giving consideration not only to the development of these comprehension skills but also to the creative processes and critical thinking skills aspects and always keeping in mind the relationship between the written and the oral contexts since reading skills are so closely related to the writing ones. These competencies include the ability to develop active reading strategies such as making inferences, predicting and drawing conclusions, summarizing and paraphrasing, defending one’s opinion on different topics. The content of the course will be presented from a critical thinking perspective.

Course-specific competencies:

SC1. Analyzes texts about various topics and issues, using reading strategies.
SC2. Presents orally, the analysis of texts and states its point of view.
SC3. Summarizes oral and written texts, about various topics and issues.
SC4. Writes simple texts about familiar issues citing sources consulted.



Recurrent reading strategies:
1.1 Making predictions
1.2 Scanning and Skimming
1.3 Identifying main idea/ identifying main idea of paragraphs
1.4 Identifying cognates and false cognates
1.5 Guessing the meaning of unfamiliar words through context clues
1.6 Understanding /Using transition words/phrases
1.7 Activating critical thinking
1.8 Identifying word synonyms and making associations
1.9 Making inferences

Specific reading strategies:
1.10 Associating Word partnerships for vocabulary building
1.11 Classifying information
1.12 Understanding conditional relationships
1.13 Understanding cause and effect relationships.

Cross unit themes and functions:
1.14 Present Tenses (Simple and continuous)
1.15 English mechanics: spelling, punctuation rules, and marks.
1.16 Descriptive writing

Recurrent reading strategies:
2.1 Making predictions
2.2 Scanning and Skimming
2.3 Identifying main idea/ identifying main idea of paragraphs
2.4 Identifying cognates and false cognates
2.5 Guessing the meaning of unfamiliar words through context clues
2.6 Understanding/ Using transition words/phrases
2.7 Activating critical thinking
2.8 Identifying word synonyms and making associations
2.9 Making inferences
Specific reading strategies:
2.10 Summarizing a writer’s point of view
2.11 Expressing opinions as opposed to facts
2.12 Identifying the writer’s point of view
2.13 Understanding an author’s use of quotes
2.14 Understanding Pros and Cons
2.15 Using examples to support claims
2.16 Paraphrasing a text

Cross unit themes and functions:
2.17 Summarizing a text (Writing)
2.18 Past Tenses

Recurrent reading strategies:
3.1 Making predictions
3.2 Scanning and Skimming
3.3 Identifying main idea/ identifying main idea of paragraphs
3.4 Identifying cognates and false cognates
3.5 Guessing the meaning of unfamiliar words through context clues
3.6 Understanding /Using transition words/phrases
3.7 Activating critical thinking
3.8 Identifying word synonyms and making associations
3.9 Making inferences
Specific reading strategies:
3.10 Differentiating explicit from implicit information
3.11 Identifying definitions
3.12 Sequencing information
3.13 Using prefixes and suffixes: uni-, -ic/-atic
3.14 The use of quotes.

Cross unit themes and functions:
3.15 Phrasal Verbs.
3.16 The Present Perfect tense.
3.17 Writing about goals and achievements


The course evaluation system combines different assessment strategies that are carried out in a continuous and formative way.

The following chart shows the association between the levels of domain established in the PUCMM academic degree courses’ competencies map and the specific competencies that have been designed for this course. In addition, for each of the specific competencies, the percentage of the total of the evaluation is indicated.

Project I (Oral Presentation) 10%
Mid-term exams, (2) (Reading skills) 40%
Final exam (Reading skills) 20%
Class performance and in class tasks: Quizzes, homework,
participation, assignments, note taking, reading comprehension
exercises, written production exercise, overall performance in tasks in
all 4 skills. 30%
Total 100%

Skill Level: Beginner