Carlos Vicente

Carlos  Manuel Vicente De Los Santos is  your professor for this English class, he has a major in languages and a Master in marketing  plus more than 25 years of teaching experience, all the knowledge he has acquired is at your disposition to help you  learn and grow in life no just professionally but also at a personal level.   

The world is changing constantly and education is not exempt to those changes, since March this year we have been immersed in redirecting the way we teach and how effectively can we teach, by moving from the traditional way of teaching (presential classes) to video conferences (remote classes) , which demand to be done not just in a synchronized way that means that classes are done by video conferences which demand active participation from students by having their cameras on during classes development, but also non-synchronized classes that means that students can develop activities assigned by the professor but not necessarily supervised by him/ her when they are performed by the students.


He welcomes you all to this new way of learning which is a great opportunity for us to squeeze the best of this innovative learning experience. LET'S LEARN!

 ‘Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.’ –Benjamin Franklin


Skill Level: Beginner